Over the course of 2010 I was responsible for Migrating 4,000+ GroupWise accounts to Exchange 2010SP1. I would like to share a little over view of the project and some of the scripts I wrote.
While most of the setup of our Exchange environment was setup by a local consulting company I was responsible for the data migration, Blackberry migration, and the roll-out of office 2010 from office 2000 & 2003. while planning and prep work took about a year the actual roll-out / cut over was to be over the course of a weekend yes 48+hrs to move 90 days of email calendar data. A combination of Quest Software's GroupWise Migrator for Exchange and a set of PowerShell Scripts allowed for such a successful cut-over aka the ripping of the band-aid approach.
Our environment already had Active Directory deployed and was the primary method of authentication, the only thing that NDS was used for GroupWise authentication. in order to do most of the mass operations I wrote 5 different Powershell scripts to handle this that would work off the CSV's that the Quest tool would output and use for the migration. The first script would Mail Enable an account on a random database, enable their archive on a random database if they had one, and set the mailbox limitations based off of a classification that was assigned to the user. Error logging was also incorporated into the script to allow us to fix any AD account.
Tomorrow I will will share my scripts used to set the primary email address and to set the visablity of the account to the address book.
Till next time.
#Created By Matt Karel Copyrighted Sept 2010
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Powershell.E2010 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#Create new object to generate random numbers
$Rand=new-object System.Random
#Build 1d array of DB
$Errorfile = New-Item -type file "Enable-Mailbox ErrorLog.txt" -Force
$Error.Clear() #Clears the Error Variable that stores Error Information
# Import the CSV file modify the path to your file here
#$csv = Import-CSV "C:\PS-Scripts\CSVs\BHGPO4.csv"
$CSVPath= read-host "Enter the Path to the Quest CSV here"
$csv = Import-CSV $CSVPath
# Your domain name
$domain = 'domain.local"
# Mailbox Database to create mailboxes in (format is server\StorageGroup\Database Name)
#$database = 'SERVER\StorageGroup\Database'
#Function Section
Function EnableMailbox {
Trap {
Add-Content -Path "$Errorfile" -Value "$PO ----- $DisplayName ----- $Email ----- $UserID"
add-content -Path "$Errorfile" -Value "Error Enabling Mailbox $UserID "
add-content -Path "$Errorfile" -Value $Error[0].ToString()
add-content -Path "$Errorfile" -Value ""
Write-Host "$PO ----- $DisplayName ----- $Email ----- $UserID"
Write-Host $Error[0].ToString()
Enable-Mailbox -Identity "$domain\$UserID" -Database "$DB" -PrimarySmtpAddress "$Email" -Alias "$Alias" -ErrorAction Stop
Function EnableArchive {
Trap {
Add-Content -Path "$Errorfile" -Value "$PO ----- $DisplayName ----- $Email ----- $UserID"
add-content -Path "$Errorfile" -Value "Error Enabling Archive $UserID "
add-content -Path "$Errorfile" -Value $Error[0].ToString()
add-content -Path "$Errorfile" -Value ""
Write-Host "$PO ----- $DisplayName ----- $Email ----- $UserID"
Write-Host $Error[0].ToString()
Enable-Mailbox -Identity "$domain\$UserID" -Archive -ArchiveDatabase "$ArchiveDB" -ErrorAction Stop
Function ModifyCASMailbox {
Trap {
Add-Content -Path "$Errorfile" -Value "$PO ----- $DisplayName ----- $Email ----- $UserID"
add-content -Path "$Errorfile" -Value "Error Set-CasMailbox $UserID "
add-content -Path "$Errorfile" -Value $Error[0].ToString()
add-content -Path "$Errorfile" -Value ""
Write-Host "$PO ----- $DisplayName ----- $Email ----- $UserID"
Write-Host $Error[0].ToString()
Set-CASMailbox -Identity "$domain\$UserID" -ActiveSyncEnabled:$ActiveSync -ErrorAction Stop
Function TestForMBX {
$MBXExists=Get-Mailbox -Identity "$domain\$UserID" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Return $true
Return $false
# Loop through the CSV and create a new user & mailbox for each line found
foreach ($Record in $csv){
$DB=$Databases[$Rand.Next(1,12)] #Get a random database
$Temp=(Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase((($UserID).ToLower())) #Drop the user id to Title Case
$Alias=$Temp.substring(0,$Temp.length -1)+$Temp.substring($Temp.length -1,1).ToUpper() #Use the Temp Var to set Alias var with the first and last char to caps.
$Temp=(Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase((($Email).ToLower())) #Drop the Email id to Title Case
$Email=$Temp.substring(0,$Temp.length -15)+$Temp.substring($Temp.length -15,1).ToUpper()+$EmailDomain #Use the Temp Var to set Alias var with the first and last char to caps.
Switch ($Class){
1 {
$ArchiveQuota="50GB" #Exchange Default
$ArchiveWarnQuota="45GB" #Exchange Default
1a {
$RetentionPolicy="Default Archive-Enabled Retention Policy"
$ArchiveQuota="50GB" #Exchange Default
$ArchiveWarnQuota="45GB" #Exchange Default
2 {
$RetentionPolicy="Default Archive-Enabled Retention Policy"
3 {
$RetentionPolicy="Default Archive-Enabled Retention Policy"
4 {
$RetentionPolicy="Default No Archive Retention Policy"
If($Archive -eq $FALSE){
If (TestForMBX){
Set-Mailbox -Identity "$domain\$UserID" -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false -ProhibitSendQuota "$MB_Size_ProhibitSend" -IssueWarningQuota "$MB_Size_Warn" -RetentionPolicy "$RetentionPolicy"
Start-Sleep -m 200
Set-Mailbox -Identity "$domain\$UserID" -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false -ProhibitSendQuota "$MB_Size_ProhibitSend" -IssueWarningQuota "$MB_Size_Warn" -RetentionPolicy "$RetentionPolicy"
If($Archive -and $Class -eq "1") {
If (TestForMBX){
Set-Mailbox -Identity "$domain\$UserID" -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false -ProhibitSendQuota "$MB_Size_ProhibitSend" -IssueWarningQuota "$MB_Size_Warn" -ArchiveQuota "$ArchiveQuota" -ArchiveWarningQuota "$ArchiveWarnQuota" -RetentionPolicy $null -ErrorAction Continue
Start-Sleep -m 200
Start-Sleep -m 200
Set-Mailbox -Identity "$domain\$UserID" -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false -ProhibitSendQuota "$MB_Size_ProhibitSend" -IssueWarningQuota "$MB_Size_Warn" -ArchiveQuota "$ArchiveQuota" -ArchiveWarningQuota "$ArchiveWarnQuota" -RetentionPolicy $null -ErrorAction Continue
elseif($Archive -and $Class -ne "1"){
If (TestForMBX){
Set-Mailbox -Identity "$domain\$UserID" -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false -ProhibitSendQuota "$MB_Size_ProhibitSend" -IssueWarningQuota "$MB_Size_Warn" -ArchiveQuota "$ArchiveQuota" -ArchiveWarningQuota "$ArchiveWarnQuota" -RetentionPolicy "$RetentionPolicy" -ErrorAction Continue
Start-Sleep -m 200
Start-Sleep -m 200
Set-Mailbox -Identity "$domain\$UserID" -UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults $false -ProhibitSendQuota "$MB_Size_ProhibitSend" -IssueWarningQuota "$MB_Size_Warn" -ArchiveQuota "$ArchiveQuota" -ArchiveWarningQuota "$ArchiveWarnQuota" -RetentionPolicy "$RetentionPolicy" -ErrorAction Continue
Thanks IBAGEEK for sharing such a valuable information to migrate from Groupwise to Exchange server. I have found here a very easy to use application to perform migration process efficiently: http://groupwise-exchange.blogspot.in/
ReplyDeleteThe tool provides two options to move the GroupWise mailboxes to MS Exchange server mailboxes. Users can move either single or multiple mailboxes at a time.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the detailed read but the migration method you mentioned is time taking and risky. That’s why I prefer to use third party tools for migration or conversion. GroupWise to exchange Migrator by Stellar is a good option to save your time and energy both but off course you have to pay for it , but to make your process risk free this is the best option which is very secure and easy to use.
Migrating from one platform to another is really very tedious and complex job. However, there are some third party applications available which have simplified the process of migration. Recently, we have migrated our 24500 mailboxes from GroupWise 8.0 to MS Exchange 2010 Server successfully with the help of a tool that we found here: - http://www.recoverydeletedfiles.com/groupwise-exchange-migration.html
ReplyDeleteGroupwise to Microsoft Exchange Migration software is a complete, simple and cost effective solution that helps the organizations to move from existing Groupwise messaging systems to MS Exchange Server messaging systems quickly: Visit here: http://www.groupwisetopst.net
ReplyDeleteNovell GroupWise is email client program, for migration of Novell GroupWise to MS Outlook PST using an efficient GroupWise to Outlook software. This tool easily extract all GroupWise files and transfer the same into accessible Oulook PST format. See more at: https://softcart.wordpress.com/groupwise-to-exchange-migrator/
ReplyDeleteMigrating from one platform to another is really very tedious and complex job. However, there are some third party applications available which have simplified the process of migration. Recently, we have migrated our 24500 mailboxes from GroupWise 8.0 to MS Exchange 2010 Server successfully with the help of a tool that we found here :- http://www.recoverfilesdata.com/migrate-groupwise-exchange.html
ReplyDeleteI found one more cool reference for GroupWise to Exchange migration, you can even have a look on that.This tool is easy to use and most importantly secure :- http://www.mannatsoftware.com/stellar-phoenix-groupwise-to-exchange.html
ReplyDeleteTo migrate GroupWise mailboxes into MS Exchange server, I would like to suggest GroupWise to Exchange Migration an excellent solution for quick and accurate migration of mailboxes from GroupWise to Exchange server.
ReplyDeleteRead more : http://www.softmagnat.com/groupwise-to-exchange.html
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