Thursday, December 29, 2016

Outlook On The Web Error when Saving Calendar Appearance / Reminders Options

I have been meaning to post this for a while now and well life and work sometimes get in the way of sharing the nuggets of info from my job.
So here is the scenario we were running into:
upon migrating an Exchange 2013 Mailbox to Exchange 2016 CU1 some users when adjusting their calendar appearance or setting the option to send a daily agenda email would get an error when saving their settings. The user would get an error that "There was a problem saving your changes. Please try again." you would then see a correlating error in the event viewer with Event ID: 4999 on the server the user was connected to. After working for several days with support, we found that within the mailbox calendar configuration the weather location bookmark was set to a -1 rather than a 0. This setting is currently only used in the O365 and we are not sure as why when migrating a user this bit gets flipped for some users.
you can see this property value by running a Get-MailboxCalendarConfiguration -Identity |FT ID*,Weather* we found that the only way to reset that value was to use MFC Mapi and delete the IPM.Configuration.OWA.useroptions from the users mailbox.

To find all Mailboxes affected you can run:
Get-Mailbox -Server <ServerName> -ResultSize unlimited | Get-MailboxCalendarConfiguration | Where {$_.WeatherLocationBookmark -ne "0"}| FL Id*,WeatherLocationBookmark

to Resolve:
1. Download the latest version of MFC Mapi
2. Grant yourself Full access to the effected users mailbox (Add-mailboxPermission -Identity -User -AccessRights FullAccess)
3. Ensure the user has MAPI access enabled
4. Open MFC Mapi

a. Click Session > Logon
b. Locate the mailbox on the right hand side and double-click it
c. Right-Click the Root Container and chose Open Associated Contents Table
d. In the new window that opened scroll to the right till you see the Message Class Column
e. Scroll down till you locate the IPM.Configuration.OWA.UserOptions Message
f. Right-Click IPM.Configuration.OWA.useroptions and chose Delete Message
g. In the Delete Item Window click OK
h. Close all MFC windows
5. Verify issue is resolved by running Get-MailboxCalendarConfiguration -Identity <username>  | FT WeatherLocationBookmark


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Mailbox Export Request and MapiExceptionUnknownUser: Unable to make connection to the server. (hr=0x80004005, ec=1003)

As I was preparing to export several mailboxes to PST for a Cross Forest Exchange 2010 to 2016 Migration as a part of an acquisition, I ran in to an issue that when I would run a New-MailboxExportRequest and get an error "Couldn't connect to the source mailbox" When running the cmdlet with a -Verbose, would see the error "MapiExceptionUnknownUser: Unable to make connection to the server. (hr=0x80004005, ec=1003)" After going through some troubleshooting steps:
-Verifying MAPI is enabled on the accounts.
-Verifying that the Exchange Trusted SubSystems group had R/W Share Permissions.
-tried a different users.

After nothing fixed my issue, I called support. One troubleshooting step that they had me do that never crossed my mind was to create a new mailbox database. after doing that I moved a user successfully to that database and was able to export it with no issues. upon comparing the mailbox database settings Get-MailboxDatabase -Identity I noticed that the new database did not have a Public folder configured and the other database did but it looked as if someone had deleted it. Using ADSI we removed the Public folder path from the database and were able to export mailboxes without any issues.

Removing Public Folder path from Mailbox Database:
1. Launch ADSI and enter the configuration Node.
2. Navigate to :
Services > Microsoft Exchange > Exchange OrgID > Administrative Groups > Exchange Administrative Groups (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT) > Databases
3. Right-Click the Database with the public folder you want to remove and click Properties
4. From the Attribute Editor tab select the attribute msExchHomePublicMDB
5. Click Edit
6. Copy that value to a text file as a backup. :)
7. Click Clear
8. Click OK
9. Click OK to close the attribute editor
10. Close ADSI Edit

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Outlook Opens Minimized

Ran in to this strange issue today. a User was complaining that outlook would start minimized. We were able only able to have it reappear by using task manager to maximize the application. I was able to open Outlook without any issues starting it in safe mode (Outlook.exe /Safe). Upon ruling out that shortcut was not set to start minimized and that no COM add-ins were causing the issue , I did a quick search and found in an MSFT TechNet post from Rob Kubben to remove the Frame registry key located in the [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\\Outlook\Office Explorer].
Upon restarting Outlook it opened maximized and would remember its last window size properly.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Outlook on The Web Prompting for Credentials from my Web Proxy

Recently we begain moved about our users to our new Exchange 2016 infrastructure. We begain to get a few calls from some users that they were being prompted for credentials whenever they would open an email in Outlook on The Web that contained external embedded content. In our eviroment a lot of our generic workstations and if you want to go out to the internet, you must provide you AD username and password. upon further digging, we found that Outlook on the Web will send multiple GET requests prior to being prompted for credentials. The only way to work around this issue is to open a website and go to site such as to get authenticated. Once authenticated you will be able to open an email with embedded content.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Powershell Preview of a Dynamic Distribution List

Here is how in a single line to preview a dynamic distribution group using PowerShell.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Exchange Scripting Agent

In this post I will be sharing some of my findings with Exchange's Cmdlet Scripting agent.

Back in Exchange 2010 Microsoft Introduced the Cmdlet Extension agents. These agents perform various task such as User Mailbox distribution when a mailbox is provisioned. to see a list of the Extension agents, run the following Get-CmdletExtensionAgent |FT Name,Priority,Enabled .
This will output the agents there priority and if they are enabled or not. In the rest of this post I will be covering the Scripting Agent. the scripting Agent allow you to run Exchange cmdlets as a mailbox (user, shared, or resource) or Distribution list are created or enabled via the Shell or EAC.

The Scripting Agent utilizes an XML document named ScriptingAgentConfig.xml located on Each Exchange Servers (C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\v15\Bin\CmdletExtensionAgents) to preform the exchange related tasks you desire. Microsoft provides a sample file name ScriptingAgentConfig.xml.sample which I recommend that you review.

The XML contains several sections or nodes allowing you to define what cmdlets you want to trigger on and within what API.
the following API calls are exposed: (
  • ProvisionDefaultProperties -  This API can be used to set values of properties on objects when they're created. When you set a value, that value is returned to the cmdlet and the cmdlet sets the value on the property. You can fill in values on properties if the user didn't specify a value, or you can override the value specified by the user. This API respects the values set by higher priority agents. The Scripting agent cmdlet extension agent won't overwrite the values set by higher priority agents.
  • UpdateAffectedIConfigurable -   This API can be used to set values of properties on objects after all other processing has been completed, but the Validate API hasn't yet been invoked. This API respects the values set by higher priority agents. The Scripting agent cmdlet extension agent won't overwrite the values set by higher priority agents.
  • Validate -  This API can be used to validate the values on an object's properties that are about to be set by the cmdlet. This API is called just before a cmdlet writes any data. You can configure validation checks that allow a cmdlet to either succeed or fail. If a cmdlet passes the validation checks in this API, the cmdlet is allowed to write the data. If the cmdlet fails the validation checks, it returns any errors defined in this API.
  • OnComplete - This API is used after all cmdlet processing is complete. It can be used to perform post-processing tasks, such as writing data to an external database.
Global Variables- These hold information provided either via the EAC or Shell.
  • $readOnlyIConfigurable.
  • $provisioningHandler.UserSpecifiedParameters["ParameterName"]
Deploying the xml File:
When it comes time to deploy your Completed script, you will need to deploy it to each exchange server. the file must be copied to C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\v15\Bin\CmdletExtensionAgents. I would recommend if you have more then 2 exchange server you download Paul Cunninghams PushScriptingAgentConfig.ps1 it can be found here

once you have deployed your custom ScriptingAgentConfig.xml file you need to enable the scripting agent. to do so run the following Cmdlet:
Enable-CmdletExtensionAgent -Identity "Scripting Agent"
If you need to disable the scripting agent run the following
Disable-CmdletExtensionAgent -Identity "Scripting Agent"

A Few Gotchas
1. I have seen that during upgrades such as CU or rollups that setup will complain if the scripting agent is enabled. So I would recommend that during maintenance or when introducing a new version of exchange that you disable the scripting agent.

2. If you have multiple domain controllers that you know what DC Exchange is using. I have found that using the following : $DC = [string]($readOnlyIConfigurable.OriginatingServer) is the best way to get this.

Below is an example ScriptingAgentConfig.xml I created to setup a user mailbox once its been created using either new-mailbox or the enable-mailbox cmdlets .

    Tuesday, May 24, 2016

    MSExchangeDiagnostics Crashing

    After running through one of my newly built Exchange 2016 CU1 Servers, I noticed I had a few errors within the event viewer as shown below.

    The description for Event ID 1007 from source MSExchangeDiagnostics cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.

    If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.

    The following information was included with the event:

    System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
    at PlaLibrary.DataCollectorSetClass.start(Boolean Synchronous)
    at Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.PerformanceLogger.PerformanceLogSet.StartLog(Boolean synchronous)
    at Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.PerformanceLogger.PerformanceLogMonitor.CheckPerflogStatus()

    The handle is invalid

    The description for Event ID 4999 from source MSExchange Common cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.

    If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.

    The following information was included with the event:


    The handle is invalid

    The description for Event ID 1039 from source MSExchangeDiagnostics cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.

    If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.

    The following information was included with the event:


    System.Management.ManagementException: Invalid namespace
    at System.Management.ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo(ManagementStatus errorCode)
    at System.Management.ManagementScope.InitializeGuts(Object o)
    at System.Management.ManagementScope.Initialize()
    at System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher.Initialize()
    at System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher.Get()
    at Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.Service.DiagnosticsService.DriveLocked(String diagnosticsRootDrive)

    The handle is invalid

    Anil over at MSFT posted a very nice fix for Exchange 2013 when following the same procure for on my Exchange 2016 CU1 server successfully remedied the issue and the errors were resolved. If you are experiencing the same events , please check out this article on how to resolve it.

    Monday, May 23, 2016

    Outlook Chaced Mode Email Delay

    Since Outlook 2010 I have been running in online mode to allow me to see "real-time" updates to AD Photos and GAL related items. so I was boggled when a coworker said that on occasion in outlook 2013 he would get new emails in batches. So I spun up a VM with 2013 at the same patch level as him and low and behold I noticed a delay from when the message hit my mailbox according to Outlook Web App & ActiveSync. Running Outlook 2016 on my primary client I to notice the issue when in cached mode. after digging through a very long TechNet thread, I found this article posted by Jeff Guillet over at his blog. his article provide some great insight as to how outlook behaves once it is notified of a new message when running in cached mode.

    while this change outlined by Jeff will have a slight performance hit to your Exchange environment it may be help deal with users who notice the delay. when I applied the changes I was not as aggressive and set the values to 10.

    Here is the registry Key for Outlook 2016

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\office\16.0\Outlook\Cached Mode]

    hope this helps, till next time

    Monday, January 18, 2016

    Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013 Mailbox Move Bug

    Over the past few months I have been working to get our organization upgraded from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013. During one of more recent mailbox moves for some of our test users, we stumbled across an interesting issue with Exchange 2013 and Outlook once the mailbox migration was completed.

    - Exchange 2010 Server SP3 RU 11
    - Exchange 2013 Server CU10
    - Users Mailbox on Exchange 2010 has not only a mailbox but also an Exchange archive mailbox.
    - An online mailbox move of both the mailbox and archive is initiated to move the mailbox to Exchange 2013

    As the mailbox move is completing, the user get the obligatory "The Microsoft Exchange administrator has made a change that requires you to quit and restart Outlook” . After the user restarts Outlook, everything looks fine until they try to access there archive mailbox. upon trying to access there archive they get an error "Cannot expand the folder. The set of folders cannot be opened. Microsoft Exchange is not available. Either there are network problems or the Exchange server is down for maintenance." This was puzzling as user could access there archive via Outlook Web App with out issue. now one of the odd things I noticed was that users were getting the notice to restart outlook prior to Exchange showing it was 100% done with the mailbox/archive move.

    So after some troubleshooting mainly on the client side, I opened a Premier Support Ticket with Microsoft. After describing my issue to the support specialist he suggested I move another user and reproduce the issue and then recycle the Autodiscover Application Pool. Much to my surprise, I was able to reproduce the issue again and upon recycling the Autodiscover Application pool, the user got yet another prompt to restart outlook. After that the user was able successfully access both there mailbox and archive mailbox.

    Premier support indicated to me that this is currently an active bug within Exchange 2013.

    to workaround this issue, I have created a little PowerShell script to recycle the Autodiscover ApplicationPool on all my Exchange 2013 servers.

    Hope this helps.