-A CSV mapping the usernames of each user from the source domain to the userid in the destination domain. headers for CSV (SrcDomain-UserName,DestDomain-UserName)
-Read access in the source domain
-Read/Modify rights in the destination domain
-A matching group on in the destination. (Group A in the source is named Group A in the destination)
#Copies group membership of groups from one domain to another. # It uses a CSV to map users between the 2 domains. # ChangeLog # 3/3/14-Added logging process for users who might already be in the destination group. Import-Module ActiveDirectory $SourceGrps=@() $DestGrps=@() $NewuserInfo=@() $Compare=@() $RemoteDomainCredential=Get-Credential "username@domainname" $RemoteDomain="" #DomainNmae of the Source domain $LogFile="" $Csv=Import-Csv -Path "UserMap.csv" $SourceGrps=Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Groups,DC=Something,DC=org" -Server $RemoteDomain -credential $RemoteDomainCredential |Sort{ $_.Name.Substring(1)} $DestGrps=Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Groups,DC=newdomain,DC=org" |Sort{ $_.Name.Substring(1)} $Compare=Compare-Object -ReferenceObject($SourceGrps) -DifferenceObject($DestGrps) -PassThru -Property Name #$Compare the groups in the source and destination domain. ensuring only groups that exist in both domains are copied ForEach ($Commparison in $Compare){ Write-Host $Commparison.sideIndicator $Temp=$Commparison.Name if ($Commparison.sideIndicator -eq "=>"){ Add-Content -Path $LogFile "$Temp Was Found in the Destination but not In the Source" }ElseIf ($Commparison.sideIndicator -eq "<="){ Add-Content -Path $LogFile "$Temp Was Found in the Source but not In the Destination" $SourceGrps.remove($temp) } } foreach($Group In $SourceGrps){ $NewuserInfo=@() $SourceGroup=$Group.Name $GrpUsers=Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Server $RemoteDomain -credential $RemoteDomainCredential Write-Host $Group.Name Write-host $GrpUsers.count if ($GrpUsers.Count -eq $Null) { Add-Content -Path $LogFile "$SourceGroup,,Source Group, Group is Empty" }Else{ foreach($User in $GrpUsers){ $SourceUser=$User.Name #Add logic for no results log $Result = $CSV | Where{$User.SamAccountName -eq $_.SrcDomain-UserName} if ($Result -ne $null){ $NewuserInfo += $Result }Else{ Add-Content -Path $LogFile "$SourceGroup,$SourceUser,Source Group, User not found in CSV (Failure)" sleep 1 } } $User=$null Foreach($User in $NewuserInfo){ $DestUserName=$user.DestDomain-UserName $DestGroupName=$Group.Name Try{ #writing Group Members in destination Group Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $DestGroupName -Members $DestUserName Add-Content -Path $LogFile "$DestGroupName,$DestUserName,User Added to Group (Success)" sleep 1 } catch [Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADException]{ if ($_.psbase.Exception.ErrorCode -eq 1378){ #Get Errorcode from $Error[0] Add-Content -Path $LogFile "$DestGroupName,$DestUserName,User Already in Group" sleep 1 }else{ throw } } } } }
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