Here is a nice speed dial template I created for the Cisco 7861 Phone. This template is a directory style mail merge to allow your excel sheet to have one row for each phone you need a line card printed for. One page will have 6 line cards when the merge is finished.
Here is a link to download the file. Download Template
Friday, September 5, 2014
Friday, July 25, 2014
Removing Old Exchange Mailboxs From Outlooks Folder View
Recently I had an issue where some old Exchange Mailboxes that I had full access to had been deactivated or I had removed my full access permissions, but they were not being removed from my folder view in outlook. I found that to resolve the issue if I went to the properties of the account that was still appearing in my navigation pane using ADSI Edit or doing a Get-ADuser -Identity -Properties MsExchDelegateListLink
the output would show my account still listed as a delegate. to remove my account and any other account in that property I did a set-aduser -Identity -Clear MsExchDelegateListLink
Closed and re-opened Outlook and a few minutes later the accounts were removed from my folder view.
Thanks to this Blog post for pointing me in the correct direction
the output would show my account still listed as a delegate. to remove my account and any other account in that property I did a set-aduser -Identity
Closed and re-opened Outlook and a few minutes later the accounts were removed from my folder view.
Thanks to this Blog post for pointing me in the correct direction
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
On Prem Cisco WebEx SSL Certs
Recently I was asked to help get our wildcard SSL Cert installed on our WebEx box. During the install the deployment team found that they would receive an error that the "certificate does not form a valid chain". a quick search found this nice little article on how WebEx expects the cert to be prepared for import.
How to:
following the instructions from the above site I created a PEM file that had all the certificate info and we were able to successfully import the cert.
using open SSL to Extract Private Key and Public Key from a PFX
How to:
following the instructions from the above site I created a PEM file that had all the certificate info and we were able to successfully import the cert.
using open SSL to Extract Private Key and Public Key from a PFX
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Copy Group Membership from one Domain to Another
As a part of my job as a systems engineer I have the opportunity to work on a couple of acquisitions. During the integration process we found a need to copy the AD security groups used to control access to shares for shared data. Here is a little PowerShell script that I wrote that uses a CSV to map each user between the two domains.
-A CSV mapping the usernames of each user from the source domain to the userid in the destination domain. headers for CSV (SrcDomain-UserName,DestDomain-UserName)
-Read access in the source domain
-Read/Modify rights in the destination domain
-A matching group on in the destination. (Group A in the source is named Group A in the destination)
-A CSV mapping the usernames of each user from the source domain to the userid in the destination domain. headers for CSV (SrcDomain-UserName,DestDomain-UserName)
-Read access in the source domain
-Read/Modify rights in the destination domain
-A matching group on in the destination. (Group A in the source is named Group A in the destination)
#Copies group membership of groups from one domain to another. # It uses a CSV to map users between the 2 domains. # ChangeLog # 3/3/14-Added logging process for users who might already be in the destination group. Import-Module ActiveDirectory $SourceGrps=@() $DestGrps=@() $NewuserInfo=@() $Compare=@() $RemoteDomainCredential=Get-Credential "username@domainname" $RemoteDomain="" #DomainNmae of the Source domain $LogFile="" $Csv=Import-Csv -Path "UserMap.csv" $SourceGrps=Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Groups,DC=Something,DC=org" -Server $RemoteDomain -credential $RemoteDomainCredential |Sort{ $_.Name.Substring(1)} $DestGrps=Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Groups,DC=newdomain,DC=org" |Sort{ $_.Name.Substring(1)} $Compare=Compare-Object -ReferenceObject($SourceGrps) -DifferenceObject($DestGrps) -PassThru -Property Name #$Compare the groups in the source and destination domain. ensuring only groups that exist in both domains are copied ForEach ($Commparison in $Compare){ Write-Host $Commparison.sideIndicator $Temp=$Commparison.Name if ($Commparison.sideIndicator -eq "=>"){ Add-Content -Path $LogFile "$Temp Was Found in the Destination but not In the Source" }ElseIf ($Commparison.sideIndicator -eq "<="){ Add-Content -Path $LogFile "$Temp Was Found in the Source but not In the Destination" $SourceGrps.remove($temp) } } foreach($Group In $SourceGrps){ $NewuserInfo=@() $SourceGroup=$Group.Name $GrpUsers=Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Server $RemoteDomain -credential $RemoteDomainCredential Write-Host $Group.Name Write-host $GrpUsers.count if ($GrpUsers.Count -eq $Null) { Add-Content -Path $LogFile "$SourceGroup,,Source Group, Group is Empty" }Else{ foreach($User in $GrpUsers){ $SourceUser=$User.Name #Add logic for no results log $Result = $CSV | Where{$User.SamAccountName -eq $_.SrcDomain-UserName} if ($Result -ne $null){ $NewuserInfo += $Result }Else{ Add-Content -Path $LogFile "$SourceGroup,$SourceUser,Source Group, User not found in CSV (Failure)" sleep 1 } } $User=$null Foreach($User in $NewuserInfo){ $DestUserName=$user.DestDomain-UserName $DestGroupName=$Group.Name Try{ #writing Group Members in destination Group Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $DestGroupName -Members $DestUserName Add-Content -Path $LogFile "$DestGroupName,$DestUserName,User Added to Group (Success)" sleep 1 } catch [Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADException]{ if ($_.psbase.Exception.ErrorCode -eq 1378){ #Get Errorcode from $Error[0] Add-Content -Path $LogFile "$DestGroupName,$DestUserName,User Already in Group" sleep 1 }else{ throw } } } } }
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